Let’s face it, Buffets are heading into unchartered territory. But let’s also face it, buffets will need to find a way! Too many industry sectors depend on buffets….or a version of them! Facilities like convention centres / caterers / hotel / event spaces / executive lounges and the list goes on.
Eco Serve is a cost effective and versatile solution offering concepts that assist moving forward. Whether it is individual portions ensuring no multilple touch-points, satellite food stations ensuring distancing….or the buffet coming to you. Eco Serve is flexible thanks to the innovative Eco Burner. Eco serve is a waterless alternative to chafing dishes. Carrying hot water creates burns risk and Eco Burner is a safe, eco-friendly and cost effective food warming device.
The team at Eco Burner, in collaboration with industry input has come up with a couple of interesting concepts that you might find interesting and worthwhile pursuing.
Individual Portions – Satellite Stations – Eco Serve Trolley
Individual Portions
Watch this short Individual Portion Concept Video. It explain the individual portion concept for both hot and cold food.
Download the Eco Serve Individual Portion Concept Document
Satellite Stations
The beauty of Eco Serve is the benefit of flexibility. No power cables, no hot water & Eco Burner that can run for up to 7 hours without refilling. Keeping guests separated and serving food in unlimited locations (such as outside or on the beach) is done with ease with Eco Serve
Eco Serve Trolley
Does the buffet come to you?
Similar to the Yum Cha concept, with effective heating & cooling technology food can be delivered to the table. Eco Serve can easily be adapted to work in custom trolleys.
Obviously these are all concepts that under investigation, but we have to explore. Buffets will most likely return to some semblance of normal. But until then, will buffets be a fusion of the buffet we knew pre-pandemic with mixed with other food service styles from various cultures such as Yum Cha and Bento?
Eco Serve is the most effective, flexible and cost effective product on the market. It is a budget conscious solution with the versatility to adapt to each stage or easing or change. Please feel free to contact us or join us for a personal video chat if you would like to discuss further.
HANDLE HYGIENE – Automatic Door Handle sanitising Solution
MEPRA ABACO – Antibacterial Cutlery & Serving Utensils
FRILICH GUARD – Portable and flexible range of sneeze guards for counters, table & buffets
SURFACE SKINS – Antibacterial Door Push Pads
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